Friday, June 18, 2010

"Auguri Infiniti..."

Ah, seduction...

I love this Italian postcard.

I had to show you the back of this one too, because I like the handwriting and the message.

"'Auguri'" is a greeting in Italian used to express good wishes, usually at the end of a letter. 'Tanti auguri!' means 'All the best!'"

Auguri means "best wishes" or "blessings."

You can see how this is rooted etymologically in the Roman ritual of the auguries.

One is hoping for a good outcome in something.

So "infinite blessings" or "infinite best wishes" are what Marietta and Peppino are wishing Signorina Valaco.

Unfortunately, I can't glean any date on the stamp cancellation.

Can you?

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