Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Union Station Waiting Room"

I love pink postcards or postcards with lots of pink in them.

Did I post the Arc de Triomphe in pink postcard yet? No. I should. She looks good in pink.

I like the emptiness here of what was probably one of the largest "waiting rooms" on the planet at that time.

There's just a little feel of time travel in this one.

There's something that's "not quite right" in this photograph.

Which is why I fell for this postcard.

On reverse: Addressed to "Master George" but never mailed. (I like that part too--the postcard is frozen forever at the beginning of its journey just like the travelers in the image.)

Not stamped, so one could read in the stamp box: "Place Postage Stamp Here ONE CENT for United States and Island Possessions, Cuba, Canada and Mexico / TWO CENTS elsewhere"

Also on the back in the lower left there is a description...

624. UNION STATION WAITING ROOM, WASHINGTON.--The new Union Station was built by the U.S. Government and the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The cost of the land, building and terminal improvements was $18,000,000. The structure is the finest railway station in the world. The building, of white granite, is 700 feet in length and 343 feet in width.

(B.S. Reynolds Co., Washington.)

The message is written in pencil and I'm not sure I'm reading it correctly.

It appears to say, "George Steve often been a good boy. From Pa Pa."

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